Jan 30, 2009
Deal or No Deal
Liquidation and Clearance Pricing Scams
How Retailers Manipulate Consumers To Pay More Than They Should
By Mark Kyrnin, About.com
Excerpt quoted from article
"With the economic climate in 2009, it is likely that consumers will see a growing number of retailers that are going out of business or willing to sell products at clearance prices. Often consumers will be present with various claims such as 50% off for products. These seem like really great deals, but they generally are not that good. Retailers and liquidators use various pricing techniques to generate these percentages to make the discounts look better than they really are.
This article looks to inform consumers about these practices so that they can make sure they are really getting a fair deal on a clearance or liquidation computer system. These techniques are used for just about any electronics item and can be just as useful for any clearance shopping. Before getting into the techniques, its first important to get some basic knowledge on product pricing."
Read full article:
See too
Laptop buyers guide
Desktop buyers guide
I have been "Awarded"!!
Just now reading through some of the nice comments I have been getting on some of my posts here on the Chocolate On The Keyboard site. I see that some gals have given me "awards" for my Blog. Thank YOU!! for them.
Don’t know how deserving I am of these, but I do appreciate the kind thoughts.
This is a brand new adventure for me
I really don't know how this whole Blog thing is gonna end up as time goes by. This really only started out as a "Can I do this, how easy is it to create and post on a blog, etc. etc."
I own 6 website domains, I haven't updated any of them in 4 yrs - or since I retired in Jan 2005 from my Library job. So obviously I am not real good at "maintaining" - LOL.
In April I will be going back home to Buffalo (I am in Florida for the winter), and start preparing my home there for sale. That month and for the few months after, it takes me to accomplish that - will be taking up lots of my usual ONLINE time. I don't know what will become of my BLOG or even my 6 websites. I've been searching for my NEW Normal since my husbands sudden death last year and still have not settled on any particular routine or pattern.
I just wanted you guys that have so kindly “awarded” me, to know – that I think your own Blogs are wonderful and I enjoy my visits with you and reading what you’re up to.
See some of my favorite sites to visit >> here <<
Hugs, Mary a.k.a. LibMary
Jan 28, 2009
Great weekend visit with my sisters
Jan 21, 2009
Making your own Paper BOX Templates

You can make your own paper Box templates for crafting - " Online" and have them generated as a PDF file using the FREE online site :
Super Deluxe Tuckbox Template Maker
I made a new webpage showing How "I" do it with a little help using my favorite graphics editing software program Microsofts Digital Image.
Visit my How I Did It webpage at:
Other Important Tips or stuff I like to tell folks...
Websites come and go, move to different web locations, etc. EVERY DAY. Don't trust your bookmarks. When you find/read something, or see a craft idea or directions on how to make something, that you even remotely think you might want or it may have useful information - then Print it out right then, 3 hole punch your papers and put in a notebook for future reference, make notes on it - telling you who made a project, date it, etc, etc. , Save templates to your own computer when you see them, etc. Put them in locations/folders on your computer that you will remember and associate with such items.
If you worry about losing your "stash" of ideas, templates, graphics, etc. - then Back them up to an External Drive, A Flash Jump drive, or to DVDs, etc. Or you can even consider signing up for an online service like Carbonite - costs about $50 a year for backing up your documents & pictures folders. If something is irreplacable or you would be heart broken if it was ever lost from your computer - then back it up a couple times via a external drive and to dvds etc. (DVDs hold much more than the old rewriteable CDs - but of course your computer would need a DVD writer - hopefully you do have a newer computer with one of those thingies included - if not then backup what you can fit on a CD) And BACK UP YOUR STUFF OFTEN - do it everyday - especially if you just added photos, or downloaded a bunch of the digi freebies out there or bought new graphics sets, etc.
Jan 19, 2009
I stay the same but my kids are catching up!

My daughter has long been a Tigger ( T-i-double Grrrrrr-Er) fan - and she's always loved to "bounce"!
My oldest daughter turned 40 a couple weeks ago and I had a hard time believing the years could go by that fast. And I've Wondered - What have "I" done with them all. She on the other hand has done alot and has made me very proud of the woman she is today. She is a wonderful mom to my beautiful grandkids, and a terrific wife to my son-in-law - who is pretty nice too!! The career choice she made suits her perfectly as she loves kids - she is a Pediatric Occupational Therapist, running her own Home Care business.
Did I mention that I am "Living" with them this winter here in sunny Florida.
It's all working out well.
Disney is running a promotion that gives you a free ticket to any of their parks on your Birthday - but the thing is - You have to use it on your BIRTHDAY - the actual day.
So my daughter booked a 2 bedroom condo at the Bonnet Creek Resort which is actually on Disney Property for an entire week. And we all went there for a long weekend and then we came back home - and I watched the kids - when my daughter went back for 3 more days with hubby to enjoy their time alone. And I got to spend time "alone" with the grandkids. A win-win, happy-happy, time for all.
Here's a few other pictures of "our" time at the resort, we also visited the Orlando Science Museum and had a very relaxing weekend and family time. And my daughter and I made our very first visit to an IKEA Store - which was a True Adventure - we had a good time - more looking than buying though.

A beautiful sunset to end the beautiful day.

Jan 17, 2009
I Love SALES!! I am a Graphicoholic too!
Don't wait....stock up now!! Happy Shopping!

And over at Trina Clark and Friends site -
http://digiscrapkits.com/digiscraps/ there is a $2.00 sale going on. So many things to choose from. Get your credit cards out...Ready, Set, Shop!
Jan 16, 2009
Having fun figuring out something new to do with Digital Image

I am "ULTRA" cool
I got a message this morning letting me know that my Templates Resource's webpage was featured on a blog
The Paper Friendly Blog
I appreciate the mention and hope all the visitors to the resource will find something useful
My templates page is verrrrrrry loooooooong - but I have to let you know too, I HAVE NOT UPDATED this resource recently or even in the past year. So some or even many links will not work or have been lost to cyberspace for good.
MSN hosted sites that may be listed on the Resource page will be gone soon by February 2009, as MSN is discontinuing their MSN groups pages - so some sites or links may already be gone, but the ones that are still there - grab what you can now!! For example grab what you can Today from the wonderful Lori's PaperCreations - Crafts templates pages on MSN - she has several catergories listed on the left hand side of page - see this collection of Box templates
When ever you find something online and you even remotely think you might want it for now or in the future - GRAB it then, SAVE IT TO YOUR COMPUTER. Don't rely on BOOKMARKS!!
Save it when you find it, to a location on your computer, that you will remember and associate with such items.
I have a Paper Crafts Templates folder and I like to save my templates to subfolders sorted either by designer, website name, or type. So for example all the templates I download from Stampington Tempting Templates - go in the subfolder for Stamptington, then theres a subfolder for things like Boxes, etc.
About my websites and/or my resources pages on them:
I really just don't seem to have the inspiration or energy anymore to put into updating my websites that I own. I have 6 domain names and after I retired from my Library job in Jan 2005 - I just found other things to do with my life, that maintaining my websites - no longer held the appeal that once upon a time gave me great joy. And NOW that my life has changed even more with the death of my dear sweet husband, in April 2008 - well, I have many more challenges, distractions and things to think about than updating my sites.
There are so many Template resources out there, if you don't find what you are looking for on my webpage - do a google search (**it might lead you right back to my page - LOL) but you might also find some neat sites to explore - just remember - grab it, save it, when you see it.
If I should come across some sites worth mentioning - here on this new blog of mine - I will be sure to do it, believe me - I still collect websites and have always had good intentions about updating my resource pages...but so many links, so little time - and so many other things I gotta get done in my life.
Jan 13, 2009
Which Craft or Witch Crafter am I

Now I do like coming up with "IDEAS" for things, and I like making suggestions, and I'm more than willing to compile or make something on the computer, print it out and Have "SOMEONE" else put it together. That's OK with me, to let them cut, score, fold, tape, glue and "make" it nice.
My grand kids are SEW crafty
My grandkids are Sew...Crafty - 8/14/2008
Picture included
Iron on t-shirts I made the grandkids for Easter
picture included
Info about tshirt transfers and iron on's
You can find some General Directions about iron on's on this About.com page: http://desktoppub.about.com/od/transfers/l/aa_transfers.htm
My webpage with info links about printing on fabric
pictures of easter crafts I did
in this thread I have 2 pics
Collage layout I did of iron on items I did using at the time in 2005 some DAISIE Company graphics for a DAISIE newsletter article - note the Newsletter in its former format is no longer available and all of my archived stuff is sadly lost to cyberspace.
in this thread
Hey, I actually printed & made 1 of those boxes - 3/17/2007
with these pictures
These are a few of my favorite sites..
listing in a word document of some of my favorite blogs or websites I visit. So for now here they are copied and pasted from my "document" - it is neat on this blog edit post part that I can copy and paste from Microsoft Word and the links all stay "intact" - cool - HUH!!
When I make a "side listing" - I have to enter each site one site at a time (insert >> Groan <<>
So heeeeerrrre's.....the LIST - Please note: some of these Blogs or websites belong to my pcCrafter HugSisters - if you would like to be included in this listing - you hug-gals know where to find me, wink, wink, nudge, nudge, know what I mean!.
April Alderton
Audrey Jeanne Roberts / artist/designer
Bear Patch Crafts / Sandie Morris
beckysscrap.blogspot.com/ / iluvhugs
Carols digiscrapping blog
Cinnymins site
Conrad Creations / Mechelle Conrad - artist/designer
Crafting Heart
Crafty Pink Palace / Shelly / Catladyof5
Crafty This and That
Creative with Julia / 2BCreative
Dannies Designs
Dawns Stampin Studio
Deena Rutter
Dixie's blog
Encouragement From my Heart / Lorie Yocum
Flakey and Friends / Jaime’s clay creations
Glennas painting patterns
Grammy Goose / Sue Baker
Handcrafted goods by Linda
Handmade and Heavenly / Nora
Happy Happy Everything / PaislyDaisy / Lisa
Heart Prints / Sue Nelson
Heart Prints Message Board
It’s Molly Smith
Just Jenn Designz / Storm
Kathys Stamping Niche
KatzDesizns / Kathe
LD Limited
Linda Lucine
Melz Stamping Blog
Nan’s Poems and Recipes
Over the Picket Fence / Betty / cherokee
Papercrafting by Kathe
Passion for Crafts
Robins Nest
ScrappyGma’s Place
See Jane Scrapbook Natalie Malan
SharraHug's Sweet Blessings / SharraHug / Sharron
Split Coast Stampers
Split Coast Stampers All Forums
Split Coast Stampers Templates forum
Suzie Q’s / Linda Hitt
Tag You’re It / Slightly Crafty
The Paper Purse
Thena Smith – poems and much more!
This Just In / Stacey Thomas
Too Faboo Designs / Blog / Andrea Wainscott and Stacey Thomas
Jan 11, 2009
Yes, I am a Chocoholic
Chocolate recipe sites and or links to melt over
Chocolate Bytes
Hershey’s Chocolate World
Hershey’s Recipes
Nestle’s Recipes
Working with Chocolate
Chocolate Trivia
iChef Chocolate recipes
M & M’s melt in your mouth not in your hands…I just pour them in straight from bag
and see too:
Chocolatier Magazine is no MORE!!!
Oldie but a goodie - Feature recipe
Recently Pastry Art & Design, Chocolatier and Frozen Desserts magazines combined to create Dessert Professional magazine.
How Stuff Works..
Business Week 2007 article the business of Gourmet Chocolate
Chocolate themed blogs or sites
Chocolate Quotes or Sayings
Purchase Rubber Stamps for making cards
Buy me some Chocolate ; -)
Mrs Fields
Jan 10, 2009
I dressed up the place!!
Ok with me so far, I have the words graphic, the chocolate keyboard graphic. Then I get a frame from the pcCrafter Creatable "Club Diva" by Beth Yarbrough. I fill in white area with a pink color. Then I arrange the text image, the keyboard image, and 3 chocolate pieces that are from Gina Jane's creatable (back from when she was at pcCrafter) "Candy Hearts" on the frame - which I had change the dimensions of to be more of a rectangle. Then wrote some text on the whole thing, and named and saved it once I was happy. So now I go to my Blog space on Google - and I edit the blog and click on the name part - and choose put an image, and check the box "shrink to fit" and I check - replace current info already there, and waa-laa - it updated my blog and put my very own created header in there.
Here are some bookmarks I had that I may have posted on other forums that might be useful to future Bloggers and/or anyone wanting to create their own headers for their own blogs:
Here's some links that may help you - or to keep handy for reference-
Blogging Tips & Tricks from Blogspots
How to Make a Blog Header Graphic
Easy Create Amazing Header Graphics
Blog Header Generator
More stuff on blogs and headers
I am still learning on what all I can do on this here blog thingy
I added a "blog" roll - and just could only remember the digi free blog and ikeagoddess's blog addresses - off the top of my head - LOL!. ** I will add more of my favorite blogs, when I find the time and all their url's.
Please don't expect too much from this blog, I really have more fun surfing and exploring the internet.
And of course visiting my favorite Community forums like:
pcCrafters, Aimee Asher.com a.k.a. The Island, or even sometimes I venture back to Daisie Company's forums (a.k.a. Across the Street or The Garden)
see too the fun happenings at The ZOO - ttydesigns.com/forum
So while that was a fun exercise..I have other things to do today:
I have to go sign in for my daily entry to win the HGTV Dream House. Ya gotta be in It to WIN IT!!
Is this thing on???

Well I guess I always had a blog - but had just never used it. Was going through some of my information about Blogs, trying to help a gal out from ttydesigns.com's forum and discovered I had once upon a time set one up via google.But I had never posted anything.So here ya go....this is my first post, might be my last, don't really have anything to say really.Sure I'll "try" in the beginning to keep up - and see what I can come up with to share.But honestly, I own 6 website domains, and I have NOT updated any of them in 4+ years!!!Just don't come looking every day to see what's new...in the beginning everything is FUN, when it stops being FUN, I move on.For those wondering - is this "Blog" thing Easy, Can I do it..well YES it is Easy, and YES you too can be blogging in no time. I chose to use blogger.com - I have a Google Gmail account and was able to sign in using that and off blogging I did go -Here are some links that may be useful to wanna-be bloggers :
Setting up a blog
You Tube Video for setting up your Google Blogger FREE Blog
see too http://help.blogger.com/
How do I post pictures?
You can now upload photos to your blog(s) using Blogger Images; just click the image icon in the post editor's toolbar.
How to Set Up a Blog for Beginners
Guide to Setting up a First Blog site **for small business site
WonderingHow did I come to name this site? - ahhh, you don't know me very well - if you need to ask
The name of this blog "Chocolate on the Keyboard" - is a glimpse on what my daily life is like, eating chocolate and surfing along on the internet at the same time - all DAY LONG!
Life is GOOD, and Delicious.