Snowman Digi Layout created Dec 13 2011 that I posted all this same info on Facebook, the Hugsisters forum and now my Blog - so yes if you think you've seen this before, this is DejaVu
Recently I saw on Facebook that one of my favorite artists who creates wonderful clipart and art prints, and other items, had for sale at her Etsy store - some delightful handmade Snowmen ornaments. I wrote to Karla Dornacher - asking more information about the ornaments, as they didn't come up on her stores page. She wrote back saying she only had 2 left and she hadn’t yet posted them to her store. I shared with her my story about my sweet Paul's nickname "My Snowman", and also that I had been collecting Snowmen and Snow themed ornaments for years, and my grandson Josh collects Snowmen too. She graciously with her HEART offered to let me buy "both" of these unique ornaments. After returning from my trip to California, the ornaments arrived today and I couldn't wait to hang them up, the red hat one, I placed beside the Tree shaped ornament with Paul's photo inside. His favorite part of Christmas was "our" tree every year. But I would always kid him - that the trees needed "MORE LIGHTS" - there were never enough for me ;-). So included in this layout I made - I used graphics from a clipart set by Karla Dornacher named "Pure as Snow". Which was just perfect to use.
Info/Graphics Credits
Karla Dornacher
Karla's post about the Snowmen ornaments
Karla'sEtsy Shop
Graphics Set I used: Pure as Snow available via Karla's Etsy shop
Font I used “SP You’ve Got Mail” – No, I can’t remember where I got it sorry :-(
I came to know of Karla, through another one of my favorite artists - Audrey Jeanne Roberts, it was through AJ's Blog that she had a link to Karla's Blog - I was amazed both with Karla's art and creations, but also her Christian writings and the ideas and thoughts she shared. When any of us is fortunate enough to be able to "know" and "dialog" with our favorite artists - it is really something Extraordinary.
I so appreciate getting to know artists like Karla, but also others such as Laurie Furnell, AJ Roberts, Carolee Jones, Tammy DeYoung, Gina Jane, and Shelly Comiskey...
I never thought when I was first buying clipart, that I would EVER have contact with the actual "Artists" - I feel Blessed by their Friendship and Humbled by their Giving Spirits.
Some of my favorite artists Blogs, or where they sell their Clipart and more
Audrey Jeanne Roberts
Audrey's Blog http://audreyjeannesblog.com/
Store on Aimee Asher http://www.aimeeasher.com/
Zazzle Shop http://www.zazzle.com/
Gina Jane
Daisie Company http://www.daisiecompany.com/storefront.phpLaurie Furnell
Laurie’s Blog http://lauriefurnell.blogspot.
Laurie’s Etsy Shop http://www.etsy.com/shop/
Laurie’s store on Aimee Asher http://www.aimeeasher.com/
Shelly Comiskey
Shelly’s Blog http://shellycomiskeydesigns.
Shelly sells her downloadable clipart collections at Daisie Company
Tammy DeYoung
Tammy’s store on Aimee Asherhttp://www.aimeeasher.com/
Tammy at one time was the gal behind the Blog on Aimee Asher too: http://aimeeasher.com/shop/
Joy Hall sells her clipart also at Aimee Asher http://aimeeasher.com/shop/
**Carolee Jones hopes to be opening an Etsy store in the near future to sell her wonderful Clipart sets.
Carolee Jones sells her downloadable clipart at DAISIE Company, NOTE:**currently as of Sept 17, 2012, there has been a change in hosting web servers for Daisie Company and all of the Artists sets and/or printables etc. may not be available at this time. Carolee Jones is one of those artists that at the moment, her art is NOT available - so keep checking back at: Daisie Company
Her blog http://caroleejones.blogspot.
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