Mar 17, 2013

Former PCCrafter artists still selling clipart

As of March 2013 ( and also as of March 2015) the following former pccrafter artists are selling digital clip art sets for downloading:

UPDATE: at DaisieCompany, as of 2015
Gina Jane is the main artist who creates and designs new art, and printables, as well as sells some of her art that was at one time sold on
But wait...another update as of summer 2015 "Shelly Comiskey" has her formerly sold at Daisie Company Kits available once again!! Yea!!!! Note there are no new kits that Shelly has made in 2014 or 2015, but if you've never checked out what she does have, go see and if you love it, buy it now, when its available....cause ya never know when it will disappear again.
Happy Shopping 

UPDATE July 2015> Aimee Asher will CLOSE on July 31, 2015 

Laurie Furnell ***Laurie also sometimes sells art/printables via her Etsy store that are actually drawn and produced by her sister Libby Merk - they have similar styles. Libby sells her clip art and Printables under the name of Doodle Bee
Libby is "Doodle Bee" Art Studio and Laurie may refer to herself as Doodle Bug / or Doodle Heart

Tammy DeYoung on Etsy.

Please note : some artists are repackaging some - NOT ALL - former pccrafter sets and selling on these new sites (to them) or are only producing new sets. Before purchasing a set - if it looks familiar, check your own pcccrafter collections first. Some artists will create some new pieces that coordinate with their old pccrafter sets, that may make it worth it to you to purchase the newer/repackaged set, just to get the additional art.

The majority of former pccrafter artists have chosen to get out of the downloadable clipart side of the business, due to issues of Digital Piracy, Illegal file sharing, and disregard ofT erms of Use. It is important to note that any/all clipart downloaded to your computers from pccrafter & installed - still retain all terms of use agreements and the artists still retain their copyright to them. Your purchases will always have to adhere to the usage agreements and copyrights - regardless of whether pccrafter is in business or if the artist no longer sells downloadable clipart.

There are a lot of pirated images that can be found online by former pccrafter artists and it is something they are fighting everyday..  For some it makes their wanting to provide us "clipart junkies", their artwork, very difficult. The select few that I mention above that have decided to continue to offer their art via downloadable sets should not only be supported in their efforts, but we should all respect and honor their copyrights and terms of use.



  1. Hi Mary
    Thanks for letting us know
    I still use my clipart alot
    I go back to my roots!!

  2. Oh how I miss the chats and the PIF!

  3. I lost most of my pc crafter files. :-(

    I am trying to repurchase some of the sets, but I don't know the artist for a few. Does anyone recall the pc crafter set that had very round snowmen with the words Believe? any ideas? It was offered in one of the last years of pccrafter.

    1. i believe the set you are referring to was created by debbie mumm. if not her i know she did some close to what you are describing. I do have a stupid question though.. err I was a member of pc crafter back in like 2003, when creating sig tags and that sort of thing was popular, I assumed it was just a website created by someone to sell graphics, how on earth did cricut and provo craft get involved in all of this?? I do still have some debbie mumm files that I will be glad to share/ send to you.. email me at kat d 038 @ gmail. com < without the spaces of course.. I cant stand what provocraft has done to the crafting community as a whole, however I honestly only thought they did cricut, didn't know they were involved with anything else

    2. I am just reading this comment today 6/29/14 - looking through my pccrafter collections, I found a "sorta round" Santa, holding a sign in his hand saying "Believe" in Shelly Comiskey's creatable "Celebrate All Year". If you don't own that set - you are out of luck, as Shelly, NO LONGER sells her art in downloadable form online. She still creates art to be licensed on real life products.

  4. Is there an email address that I could use to send a pic to you? Thanks!

  5. I purchased hundreds of dollars of clip art from pc crafters. One of my fav was Laurie Furnell. My computer crashed and I lost all my clip art. When I went back to the site to re download I couldn't find the page. Have I just lost everything? I use Laurie Honey Bunnies tons...please help what can I do?

  6. I have hundreds of dollars of the clip art images as well, I also have the browser (Deluxe) I feel that it is awful that they felt that it was ok to close down and leave us with NO support whatsoever!

    1. Carolyn, many former pccrafter customers feel as you do. But there were lots of signs that the business was in decline in the 2-3 yrs before it closed completely. The majority of their artists were no longer submitting new art. When pccrafter could not sustain the release of 2 new creatables a week, and 2 new HugClub releases every month - they decided to go to a Club only route with providing the 2 new creatables and an added one by artist Laurie Furnell - which resulted in just 36 new creatables released in the year 2010, and were sold to the public. Any "Club Members" in 2010, they also got the regular club content. But there were no "Promotional" gifts or Christmas gift for club members during 2010. pccrafter made a weak try at recruiting new artists for 2011, but were unsuccessful. They always paid their artists very little for their work. So I think that the majority, decided to opt out of creating new art to sell in downloadable form. There is so much digital piracy and disregard of terms of use, that it isn't worth the hassle of chasing those who steal or don't follow the artists or companies TOU's and copyrights. The few former pccrafter artists that I mention in this blog post - should be supported by those who appreciate their work. And most companies that go out of business, have no obligation to support past customers for their past purchases. But owners of the clip art that they purchased from pccrafter, must always still adhere to the terms of use of the clipart and the individual artists copyright.

  7. I have to comment something that happened today. I found one of the PC Crafter former artists on today and sent her a message because I had two of her kits that I purchased when the site was still in business and I am unable to run the .exe files on them because of the upgraded Windows version on this computer. I want you all to know that she sent me links to the two kits to download! Some people are just very nice! Just wanted you all to know that!

    1. Hi Karen, Yes the artists still selling their clip art online - Laurie Furnell and Tammy DeYoung are very friendly and will try to help as much as they can when and if they can assist you in obtaining their art. Happy Crafting.
      Just an FYI, I am able to install from the exe files that I downloaded from pccrafter on my windows 8.1 computer, I just have to run as administrator and OK that everything installed OK (luckily I have all my pccrafter sets already installed - when I want to move my collections to a new Computer - I copy the entire PC HugWare folder to an external drive (where all of my pccrafter collections install to by default) and then place that entire folder on my new computer, in the My Pictures folder, and then next install the exe file of the Deluxe HugWare browser (which I also copied and saved to an external drive) After activating the Browser (with the codes needed - I have them posted on this blog) I use the option > Scan for Collections and the browser scans my computer and finds all the files in that PC HugWare folder and then after the scan I close the browser, open it again and waaaa-laaaa all of my collections are there to view.
      I also placed short cuts on my desktop to the separate folders of my collections, the Black, Color, Painted and Tiff subfolders. And I also have chosen those same folders as Favorites in the free Image Viewer - . So even if I can't utilize the Deluxe Browser, I am always able to view and use the graphics that I have from pccrafter on my computer.

  8. HI There... I have a problem.. I have to app files. One says hugbug deluxe and the other is pchugbug deluxe. I am confused.. They both say version 1 and appear to be the same. Can you shed some light as to why I would have 2 different files?

  9. Hi, the payfor Hugbug Deluxe browser file is named: pchugbugbrowserdeluxer780.exe and the free version of the Hugbug Browser is named : pchugbugbrowserdeluxelite.exe The payfor browser is the one with additional features, such as the ability of getting the white out of images - when you hold down your "Shift" key and Drag and Drop a graphic from the Browser into a graphics editing program that is compatible with that feature. And there a couple other different things you can do with the payfor browser. The "lite" version is just the basic image viewer.

  10. Will the browser work on Windows 10?

  11. wow wow .can not believe this , iwas a full member of pc crafter buying lots ,i saved my hugbug delux version ,but forgot my password ,i have so many beautiful items that i can not open up .some of the wonderful designers mentioned on here.anybody tell me how i can acsess my digis?pleas pleas i will be forever grateful ,lost button babies ,just one to mention .so very much money spent . istill have all the files on my pc .hugs Heather

  12. I am looking for shyness who has any Susan Seals or any pccrafter clip art that they want to sell. I will buy anything I can get my hands on. Email me at

  13. i need the code to use my hugbug browser I feel cheated by this company. Artists work was being pirated and stolen and a lawyer friend of mine and myself were hunting them down and giving the info to Randy who subsequently didn't want me kknow that he was going to do NOTHING In regard to the theft. Its a shame that the origianl man who started PC Crafter left cause he was the fair one!!! I feel cheated by this company. I need a code to use my brush lettering exe and also the paid for browser

  14. Hi,
    I have so much clipart from the pccrafter days. I cannot find any TOU and so have not used any of it for my tpt products. Do you happen to know where I can find TOU? Thank you.

  15. Hi LibMary,
    I remember you from back in PC Hugware/DAISIE Company/Aimee Asher days. You helped me with removing backgrounds (white out.) I purchased Microsoft Digital Image and still use it with Windows 10. I miss those days--they helped get me through some really rough times. The artwork was outstanding and I loved so many of the artists/designers work: Sandi Gore Evans, Sandy Osborn, Gina Jane Johnson, Laurie Furnell & her sister (forgot her name), and so many more! Glad to see you still have this webpage up for the information and the wonderful trip down memory lane:)

  16. Chocolate On The Keyboard: Former Pccrafter Artists Still Selling Clipart >>>>> Download Now

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    Chocolate On The Keyboard: Former Pccrafter Artists Still Selling Clipart >>>>> Download LINK

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    Chocolate On The Keyboard: Former Pccrafter Artists Still Selling Clipart >>>>> Download Full

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